Raw materials are not available for standalone purchase; instead, they are intended to be integrated into a tailor-made, custom-engineered solution.
Highly effective thermal insulation based on polyurethane foam with additional abrasion protection made from proven Trevira, which is coated on one side with polyurethane (PU).
- Basis weight:1060 ± 10% g / m²
- Thick fabrics:0.6 ± 10%mm
- Thickness PUR foam:10 ± 20%mm
- Thickness composite material:10.5 ± 15%mm
- Compressive stress CV40:5.9kPa
- Min. application temperature 24 hrs:- 40 °C
- Max. application temperature of fabric permanently 1000 hours / short-term 24 hours:+ 100 / + 125 °C
- Max. application temperature PUR foam permanent 1000 hours / short term 24 hours:+ 120 / + 150 °C
- Fire behaviour:B ≤ 5.00 mm / min

Specifications are subject to change without notice. All statements and technical information contained herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, but accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed under all circumstances. Before using Zipper-technik products, the user must determine suitability for the intended use and assumes full responsibility for any improper selection.