Raw materials are not available for standalone purchase; instead, they are intended to be integrated into a tailor-made, custom-engineered solution.
ISOSAM-300/5 provides high quality heat protection by using a medium temperature composite material consisting of aluminium foil laminated to the fibreglass fabric with a special HT adhesive. A 4.5 mm thick layer of 100% Preox fibre felt is applied to the back, which contributes to thermal insulation. Heat protection materials are widely used throughout the automotive industry in various applications. For example, to protect critical engine components, to improve vehicle efficiency by reflecting radiant heat caused under the bonnet. ISOSAM-300/5 has a temperature range of -40 °C to 200 °C for continuous operation, a maximum of 250 °C is permitted for short periods.
- REACH:Compliant
- Thickness:.157" +/- 15%
- Material:Aluminized polyurethane fiberglass fabric
- Maximum operating temperature:392°F (200°C)Minimum
- Operating temperatur:-40°F (-40°C)
- RoHS:RoHS-10
- Tear resistance:>220 N/cm (chain) | >180 N/cm (filling)

Specifications are subject to change without notice. All statements and technical information contained herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, but accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed under all circumstances. Before using Zipper-technik products, the user must determine suitability for the intended use and assumes full responsibility for any improper selection.